Yoga Fundamentals - Dog Days of Summer

Livestream: Saturday mornings, 9-10am

July 16 - August 6, 2022

Appropriate for yoga students who are familiar and comfortable with standard foundational yoga poses and who are looking to increase knowledge, skill, strength, and flexibility in their practice.

Suggested props:

  • 2 blocks
  • Yoga belt
  • Yoga blankets
  • Sense of humor

Prices and cost of living are on the rise so I am trying out a flexible price option for classes.

It's honor-system based and no questions asked. If you cannot afford the regular price of the course, select a discount level instead. If you need additional financial assistance, please email me at [email protected] to discuss arrangements.

Drop-in Classes Available

Life too busy for you to sign up for the whole course? Drop-ins are also available! Register at least 12 hours prior and the Zoom link will be emailed to you shortly before class so you can join in.

For more information, and to choose your class, visit the main website.